
A Space and Voice for Forest Peoples

Credit: Marcelo Camargo – Agencia Brasil

Traditional peoples and communities will have a prominent participation in The Amazon and New Economies International Conference

By definition, traditional peoples and communities are “culturally differentiated groups who recognize themselves as such, who have their own forms of social organization, who occupy and use territories and natural resources as a condition for their cultural, social, religious, ancestral and economic reproduction, using knowledge, innovations and practices generated and transmitted by tradition” (Decree No. 6040/2007).

With its breadth and diversity, the Amazon is home to several peoples and traditional communities, such as            riverside dwellers (ribeirinhos), rubber tappers (seringueiros), piassava cutters (piaçabeiros), artisanal fisher people, indigenous peoples and maroon communities (quilombolas). Thinking about an Amazon rainforest that is productive, sustainable and alive necessarily requires a joint construction with these populations who have in the region much more than their habitat, but their very identity.

Therefore, the peoples of the forest will not only have space, but also a voice during The Amazon and New Economies International Conference. They will be the protagonists of the table Indigenous and Traditional Peoples: A New Economy Based on Ancestral Practices, which will take place on August 31, on Stage 3, from 9:30 am to 11:15 am. Among the participants, stand out the indigenous Alcebias Sapará, from the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB); the quilombola representative Valéria Pôrto; and fisherwoman Célia Regina Nunes das Neves, from the National Commission for Strengthening Coastal and Marine Extractive Reserves (CONFREM).

In addition to them, representatives of traditional populations will also be at other tables and debates, such as the indigenous Braulina Baniwa, from the National Articulation of Indigenous Women, Warriors of Ancestralities (ANMIGA); Shirlei Karo-Arara, from Associação Arara-Karo; and Puyr Tembe, secretary of the Indigenous Peoples of the State of Pará; and the quilombola representative Claudinete Colé, from the Association of Remaining Quilombos Communities in the Municipality of Oriximiná (ARQMO).

It is also worth noting that the Conference organizers have been involved in the selection process for the event’s participants to ensure that the most diverse population and social segments are represented, enriching the debates through the exchange of experiences and the plurality of ideas.

About the Conference

The Amazon and New Economies International Conference will be held by the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM) between August 31 and September 1, 2023 in the capital of the state of Pará, Belém.

In addition to the speakers mentioned above, personalities such as the Right Honorable Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1997-2007), Tony Blair; the 8th UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon; the President of Colombia (2018-2022), Iván Duque; the CEO of the ICMM Rohitesh Dhawan; the UNESCO Ambassador for Sustainability, Oskar Metsavaht, among others.

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Telephone no.: +55 31 2626-8036

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